German Reichstag Session Reports

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Session Reports of the German Reichstag and its Precursors
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Topic Map of this WebsiteSearch in the Database of German Reichstag MembersSearch Registers und Appendices of Reichstag Session ReportsSearch for Year or Date in ScansSearch for Members in Database of Reichstag MembersAbout this project Technical Advice ImprintPrivacyAccessibilityReichstag (Norddeutscher Bund/Zollparlamente) 1867 - 1895 Reichstag (German Empire ) 1895 - 1918Reichstag (Weimar Republic/National Sozialism) 1918 - 1942Compendiums (Members) 1867 - 1938 BrowseInformSearch

Session Reports of the German Reichstag and its Precursors